A woman in a long-sleeved shirt and pants is presenting to three students on "The Digital Evolution". The presentation is projected onto the wall, one student its in front of a PC, one has a laptop open, and one has a notebook. The room is tan with a brick wall next to it.

The Nonprofit's Guide to Data Migration

This publication guides you through the process of data migration step by step and provides real world case studies and conversation considerations.

You’ve chosen a new CRM that will best meet the evolving needs of your organization. How do you move all the data you’ve gathered in your existing system into the new one in a way that renders it accessible and useful and that takes advantage of all the features?


From the 40,000-foot level, the concept of data migration seems simple, but data needs to be told where to go and it needs context. Learn the milestones of a successful migration and read one nonprofit's case study to better understand the process and principles you'll need to follow to succeed.

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