Tech Hire Delaware
Tech Hire Delaware, a workforce intermediary service delivered by Tech Impact, aims to make it easier for all people to launch a career in tech by aligning them with technology training, certification programs and professional development. No prior certifications or experience is necessary in order to participate.
Three Career Paths
Explore three available programs all hosted in New Castle County, DE by our partner programs. Click below to learn more about the curriculum, requirements, and career paths for each one.

"When I lost my job after COVID, I applied for Tech Hire and was placed in the coding bootcamp. I really enjoyed the program and was thrilled to gain full-tie employment as an associate consultant three weeks after graduation." - Matavia Porter, ITWorks & Tech Elevator Graduate
The Fast Track Toward Your Tech Dream Job
Through funding from the Delaware Workforce Development Board and Department of Labor, Tech Hire Delaware works with partner organizations to provide free career training for Delaware residents.
There is a demand for skilled technology professionals in Delaware and Tech Hire Delaware's long-term approach to cultivating a diverse, skilled workforce in our state includes modern and accessible methods of education that are key to building a strong, skilled, and diverse talent pool.
Tech Impact and the Tech Hire initiative are members of the Tech Council of Delaware which was formed to create a forward-looking infrastructure to develop the state’s tech workforce, provide residents with the opportunity to fulfill their career aspirations, and drive large-scale economic impact.
Our Progam Partners
Tech Hire Delaware FAQ
Funding for the Computer Systems Analyst and Software Developer Programs is currently paused. Interested participants can still apply for each program directly through the training partner’s websites. Visit Tech Elevator and Code Differently to learn more about requirements and fees.
The IT Support Specialists training program is still being funded and interested participates can learn more about the program here.
- 18-years or older
- High school diploma or equivalent
- Have not completed a 4-year degree
- Reside in New Castle, Kent or Sussex Counties (Delaware)
Thanks to funding from the H-1B One Workforce Grant, Tech Hire partner programs are free or low-cost to all Delawareans.
Find Tech Talent and Diversify Your Workforce
Recruit your tech talent differently while saving money and time. We train individuals to obtain top-notch technology certificates and help them build soft skills while they learn a new trade.