The Future of Work for Nonprofit Leaders


Join our Chief Innovation Officer for an exploration into the evolving landscape of work and technology in the 21st century.

One Time Purchase: Free
All Access Pass: Included
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET

While no one can predict the future with absolute certainty, it’s clear that the world of work is changing. As advancements in artificial intelligence, automation, and digital transformation reshape the nonprofit sector, understanding the future of work can help your organization prepare for what’s next. Join Tech Impact’s Chief Innovation Officer, Linda Widdop, for an exploration into the evolving landscape of work and technology in the 21st century.

About Our Instructor
Linda Widdop | Chief Innovation Officer, Tech Impact 

All-Access Pass

Technology keeps advancing, which means we all have to keep learning and building our skills. Get more learning with less cost by getting the All-Access Pass, which grants you unlimited access to the Technology Learning Center.