A Day in the Life of an ITWorks Student

Follow two ITWorks Philadelphia students during a day of classes, networking, mentorship, and more.
ITWorks Students

A Day in the Life of an ITWorks Student: Insights from Jullian Torres and Julzette Masi

7AM: Starting your day as an ITWorks student can look quite different depending on your routine, location, and preparation strategies. For Jullian Torres, mornings begin with a quick review of the previous day’s material while grabbing a small breakfast and keeping a determined mindset to tackle the day's challenges. "It isn’t hard," Jullian explains, "but there is a lot of information, so it’s important to go over it to stay on top of things."

Julzette Masi, on the other hand, starts her day with a necessary cup of coffee before embarking on a two-hour commute from New Jersey to Philadelphia. “That commute gave me the time to prepare by reviewing what I learned the day before,” she shares, showing just how committed she is to make the most of every moment of her ITWorks journey.

9AM: Once in the classroom, both Jullian and Julzette take a seat with the other 15 or so classmates in the Philadelphia ITWorks classroom headquarters, and begin to immerse themselves in the comprehensive curriculum of the ITWorks program. "We touch on several topics and can follow along with the booklet, website, and all the resources provided to us.” says Julian. Today, their class puts the books to the side and kick-off class by going over the different internal parts of a laptop. The instructor hands out laptops for the students to start disassembling in groups of three. Julzette emphasizes her excitement for the hands-on nature of the program, like today. “One day we might be disassembling and reassembling computers, and the next, we’re learning about networking, troubleshooting, and security.” The diversity of the coursework ensures that students are well-prepared for the varied demands of the tech industry.


11:30AM: Today’s a Wednesday, which means students get to meet one of the community ITWorks volunteers for their weekly Lunch and Learn session. Here, seasoned tech professionals bring in lunch for the class, talk about their career, offer advice, and answer questions from the students. What stands out most to Jullian and Julzette about ITWorks are these types of opportunities – the  supportive and encouraging environment fostered by the instructors and volunteers. Jullian describes them as more like friends than teachers, which made learning enjoyable and approachable. "They provided guidance and made sure I felt comfortable asking questions," he shares.

ITworks lunch and learn session

1PM: After a quick break, students head back to their classroom to pick up where they left off before the Lunch and Learn. After a few more practices at disassembling and reassembling their laptops, they moved onto wiring cables. Instructor Josh works with each student individually as they help work through the project. Julzette has a particularly memorable experience this day that underscores the instructors' dedication. "I was the last person in the class who hadn’t completed wiring the Ethernet cable, but the instructor didn’t let me give up. That moment made me realize how much they cared about our success—not just as students, but as individuals."

3:00PM: Class wraps up for the day! Julzette and Jullian head out and head back home. Some of the students are staying after to review materials. Collaboration and working closely with peers is important. “It’s nice to know there’s someone in the same boat as you, who you can reach out to if you need some additional help” says Julzette. With 6 weeks left of their 11-week instructional work, they are both excited for what’s to come, including their 5-week, paid internship with a local business.

5:00PM: Along with peer learning, mentorship is a cornerstone of the ITWorks experience. Jullian has a scheduled check-in call with her mentor, who she praises for providing the support and advice needed to navigate the program and set a clear career path. "It’s great to have someone who’s been where I am, guiding me in the right direction," he says.
For Julzette, regular check-ins with her mentor provide invaluable networking opportunities and encouragement. "The entire program—from the teachers to the students and mentors—makes me know I’m not alone and that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to."

Words of Wisdom for Future Students
As their time in the program progresses, both Jullian and Julzette have seen their career goals evolve. Initially interested in coding, Jullian has discovered new paths within IT, thanks to the flexibility and breadth of the CompTIA curriculum. "ITWorks is there along the way, with ITWorks 2.0 and 3.0 helping us further our certifications at no cost," he says.
When asked what advice they would give to prospective ITWorks students, both Jullian and Julzette offer words of encouragement. "Take the chance and believe in yourself," Jullian urges. "Even if you don’t know it all, with hard work and the support that Tech Impact provides, you will succeed."

Julzette adds, "It will be the best decision you ever make. Don’t be afraid—everyone here wants you to win. When you have so many people believing in you, there’s no way you can’t make it work."

Their experiences at ITWorks are more than just an educational journey; they are an example of the power of community, support, and the belief that with the right tools and guidance, anything is possible.